Frank Roche:
Snickers Sniffs the Wind
Frank Roche:
Morning Walk...Early
Frank Roche:
Snickers and benny Snuggle on the Couch
Frank Roche:
Benny Sleeping
Frank Roche:
Benny and Snickers look out the window
Frank Roche:
First presents opened this morning were for Snickers the Wonder Dog and Benny XXIII
Frank Roche:
Snickers is never far from Sheryl
Frank Roche:
I Like Pillows
Frank Roche:
Snickers and Sheryl on the Beach
Frank Roche:
What do you think, Snickers?
Frank Roche:
Mother and Child Reunion
Frank Roche:
Presents for Snickers
Frank Roche:
Sncikers and a Chew Toy
Frank Roche:
Snickers wants another present
Frank Roche:
Snickers and Sheryl
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog
Frank Roche:
Snickers the Wonder Dog