Frank Roche: Worst President Ever
Frank Roche: Peace
Frank Roche: Peace in Iraq
Frank Roche: No more war
Frank Roche: Debacle
Frank Roche: Bring 'em home
Frank Roche: Kayne West for President
Frank Roche: Fascist
Frank Roche: Impeach
Frank Roche: Veterans for peace
Frank Roche: It's the healthcare, stupid
Frank Roche: Waiting for George
Frank Roche: Vets aren't crazy about Bush
Frank Roche: Protesting
Frank Roche: A candidate for Senator from NH
Frank Roche: Protesting Bush
Frank Roche: Zoom, zoom, zoom
Frank Roche: The President waves to the protesters
Frank Roche: Presidential motorcade on Broad Street
Frank Roche: The President zooming out of Philly
Frank Roche: Bush's car