orangewarrior77: "Where's that bloody record?"
orangewarrior77: the lady dances
orangewarrior77: fire drill
orangewarrior77: shaft inspection
orangewarrior77: higk kickin
orangewarrior77: "wheeeeeeeeeeee!"
orangewarrior77: Tony nearly mistakes a cd for a rice cake
orangewarrior77: She likes to move
orangewarrior77: wrong way up
orangewarrior77: goosesteppin'
orangewarrior77: earning those free beers
orangewarrior77: no, no, not THAT way up!
orangewarrior77: the scouse Elvis
orangewarrior77: Elvis regrets not wearing a man-nappy
orangewarrior77: punter flirt
orangewarrior77: The free bar dries up at 11pm . . 4 hours left1
orangewarrior77: North of Ping Pong saxophone dance
orangewarrior77: Bongo man
orangewarrior77: North of Ping Pong lead singer
orangewarrior77: saxual healing
orangewarrior77: couple of the locals
orangewarrior77: some more of the locals
orangewarrior77: another poledancer
orangewarrior77: the audience try to look nonchalant
orangewarrior77: upside down, boy you turn me..
orangewarrior77: "erm . . . yup. that sounds about right!"