brianwolk: Jack-Jack
brianwolk: Flag of Toronto
brianwolk: CityPlaceIf you look closely, you can see our California flag hanging in our window! :)
brianwolk: The Lake Light
brianwolk: LunchThey didn't have any "super" slices ready (pepperoni, mushroom, green pepper), so we combined 2 other slices to achieve the same thing.
brianwolk: Melissa is too big to ride
brianwolk: Toronto Island Monsters...but no smoke
brianwolk: Mother GoatBaby goat was nearby but too hard to get a good picture of.
brianwolk: Bunnies
brianwolk: The Honey Wagon
brianwolk: Bridge
brianwolk: KayakersWards Island, Toronto Islands
brianwolk: After riding from Hanlan's Point to Wards Island, we take a break under a tree while we wait for the ferry back to the city.
brianwolk: Us being us
brianwolk: Metro Bin
brianwolk: Porter + William Inglis
brianwolk: Melissa and her Ride2009 Norco Rideau hybrid
brianwolk: Life JacketsOld life jackets still say "Metro Parks" on them.
brianwolk: No Exit
brianwolk: Norcos
brianwolk: Haunted Lake Light