orangebrompton: Sea & rocks
orangebrompton: Restaurant
orangebrompton: Chalets & pistes in Valloire
orangebrompton: Snowy mountains
orangebrompton: Beach and pier
orangebrompton: Water channels in the sand
orangebrompton: Compton Bay
orangebrompton: Wind turbine
orangebrompton: Winding mountain road
orangebrompton: The *other* Colosseum
orangebrompton: I cycle up hills, me
orangebrompton: Icecream in Venice
orangebrompton: Gondolas
orangebrompton: Millstone in Normandy, France
orangebrompton: Panda / Cow hybrid
orangebrompton: Bike and trike in Normandy
orangebrompton: Paddling horse
orangebrompton: Flower field in Holland
orangebrompton: Flower sculpture of tulips
orangebrompton: Windmill
orangebrompton: Lush green & yellow stuff
orangebrompton: Track through the woods
orangebrompton: Sunset over Wicko Lake
orangebrompton: Steak & eggs
orangebrompton: Dgym on a rope swing