Oregon Department of Agriculture: Phytophthora ramorum_2
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Chrysanthemum White Rust_2
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Eastern Filbert Blight_1
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Phytophthora ramorum_1
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Eastern Filbert Blight_2
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Urocystis trillii_1
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Garlic crust disease
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Garlic white rot, roots
Oregon Department of Agriculture: raspberryanthracnose.JPG
Oregon Department of Agriculture: burrowing_nematode
Oregon Department of Agriculture: RUAR-PHVI LANG UNATTACK
Oregon Department of Agriculture: PHTA-SAAE ADULT DAM-1
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Yellow floating heart flowers
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Used pots being solarized
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Kalmiopsis leachiana
Oregon Department of Agriculture: Plant disease in field