opportunitygreen: Mobility Panel: Richard Steinberg, Stuart Anderson, Chris Paine
opportunitygreen: Oliver Kuttner, Edison2
opportunitygreen: Color West
opportunitygreen: Mike Flynn, Co-Founder and COO of Opportunity Green with Tim Kenyon, Manager, Consulting, Gfk
opportunitygreen: John Murphy, Seventh Generation
opportunitygreen: John Murphy, Seventh Generation
opportunitygreen: OG25 Winner, Congrats Zimride!
opportunitygreen: Peter Falt, BMW
opportunitygreen: Michael Crooke, Former CEO of Patagonia
opportunitygreen: Bill Moses, Chairman, Opportunity Green
opportunitygreen: New Belgium Bike Raffle winner!
opportunitygreen: Irwin Miller, Principal, Gensler
opportunitygreen: Networking Break
opportunitygreen: Jeff Hayes
opportunitygreen: Brian Suckow, Liba Rubenstein, Ben Bixby, Tony Huffman - The Business Case for Sustainability