Oak Park Public Library: Book cart Drill Teammates
Oak Park Public Library: The OPPL Book Cart Drill Team gets final instructions.
Oak Park Public Library: David and Nancy decorate with flags.
Oak Park Public Library: Trustee David Sokol encourages readers along the route to "Show Your Card."
Oak Park Public Library: Friends of OPPL promoted the Book Fair Aug. 506.
Oak Park Public Library: Irene and Nancy confer about the next formation.
Oak Park Public Library: Irene and Nancy decorate book carts.
Oak Park Public Library: Jon and Leigh before the parade.
Oak Park Public Library: Library Trustees Matt Fruth, David Sokol and Janet Kelenson.
Oak Park Public Library: OPPL Board President Matt Fruth and long-time Library Board Trustee Janet Kelenson carried the OPPL banner.
Oak Park Public Library: Patriotic librarians and staff promoted "Love Your Library - Show Your Card."
Oak Park Public Library: Friends President Steve Kirshenbaum promoted the 41st annual Book Fair.