A Cromwell: Anything goes for breakfast when on vacation.
A Cromwell: Changing into sandals at the airport
A Cromwell: Gathering tourists
A Cromwell: In the taxi area of the Cancun airport
A Cromwell: Lobby ceiling
A Cromwell: Pretty buffet.
A Cromwell: Yum
A Cromwell: Gimp bird, watching another gimp's lunch
A Cromwell: Bathing before lunch
A Cromwell: Shade or sun, take your choice
A Cromwell: So sunny
A Cromwell: Clouds rolling in
A Cromwell: Delphinus, where we played with dolphins
A Cromwell: Waves!
A Cromwell: Waves in blue and green
A Cromwell: Blurry, but of both of us
A Cromwell: I think the belt accents the cast nicely
A Cromwell: The sky was really that blue. On the balcony.
A Cromwell: Chairs in the pool...reminds me of an old crime scene photo
A Cromwell: This is before happy hour
A Cromwell: empty bar
A Cromwell: Ferry port
A Cromwell: Horses
A Cromwell: Lonely chair
A Cromwell: Quiet, please
A Cromwell: Orange and green
A Cromwell: Pretty food cart
A Cromwell: Lovely gate
A Cromwell: I tried to get Craig to get some braids...
A Cromwell: On the street