opobs: Twisted!
opobs: Cefn Cadlan quarry puddle!
opobs: Sheep!
opobs: Tufty puddle!
opobs: If Wiffs "can" do it, so "can" I!
opobs: Last shot of the morning!
opobs: Cefn Cadlan rock in puddle
opobs: "Wot ewe looking at?"
opobs: Foxgloves at Cefn Cadlan
opobs: The Rock!
opobs: Cefn Cadlan puddle
opobs: Foxgloves at Cefn Cadlan
opobs: "Closet florist" strikes again!
opobs: Leaves!
opobs: Rocky outcrop!
opobs: Cefn Cadlan Quarry
opobs: Cefn Cadlan quarry pool
opobs: Cefn Cadlan Quarry
opobs: Cefn Cadlan Quarry
opobs: Soggy socks and squelchy wellies!
opobs: I know what I wanted to achieve . .
opobs: Contemplating the damselflies!