sereneonion: the mighty yukon
sereneonion: frozen marsh
sereneonion: frozen mountains
sereneonion: more frozen mountains
sereneonion: apparently everyone has one
sereneonion: trans-alaskan pipeline
sereneonion: please do not climb
sereneonion: oops i forgot what this is
sereneonion: ice horse
sereneonion: ice zeus
sereneonion: ice goose
sereneonion: ice scorpion
sereneonion: ice octopus
sereneonion: museum of the north
sereneonion: creamer's field
sereneonion: creamer's field 2
sereneonion: goin' for a ride 1
sereneonion: goin' for a ride 2
sereneonion: goin' for a ride 3
sereneonion: doggies
sereneonion: doggie house
sereneonion: doggie housies
sereneonion: the view from snowmachining
sereneonion: the view from snowmachining 2
sereneonion: old & unexpected
sereneonion: the view from snowmachining 3
sereneonion: alaskan sunset
sereneonion: mendenhall glacier
sereneonion: mendenhall glacier close up
sereneonion: lots of rocks