philos from Athens: Yellow Rose
philos from Athens: Red Rose
philos from Athens: Chrysanthema
philos from Athens: Red rose at the end of May
philos from Athens: Our orange roses
philos from Athens: Our orange roses
philos from Athens: Entrance with roses
philos from Athens: Entrance with roses
philos from Athens: A "bouquet" of red roses
philos from Athens: A "bouquet" of red roses
philos from Athens: Άνθη Κερασιάς!
philos from Athens: Άνθη Κερασιάς
philos from Athens: Άνθη Κερασιάς
philos from Athens: Ανοιξιάτικο μπουκέτο
philos from Athens: Ανοιξιάτικο μπουκέτο
philos from Athens: Ανοιξιάτικο μπουκέτο
philos from Athens: Ανοιξιάτικο μπουκέτο
philos from Athens: Ανθη Κερασιάς
philos from Athens: Τον πιάσαμε ... απο το ανθοπωλειο!
philos from Athens: Ελπίδα!
philos from Athens: Wet rose!
philos from Athens: a rose after rain
philos from Athens: Pretty although it stings...
philos from Athens: παπαρούνα μόνη #άσκηση3
philos from Athens: Ντροπαλό τριαντάφυλλο!
philos from Athens: τριαντάφυλλο κόκκινο
philos from Athens: rose exercise
philos from Athens: spring in purple and blue