OPENSTUDIOSPACE: PHLASH light boxes "Buncefield IV" (on top) "Buncefield V" (below) Edition of 3_£ 2.500 each
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: Dave The Chimp_SkateDeck_Clash £ 225
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: DAVE THE CHIMP_collaboration with the London Police "Fear and Loathing in Bulgaria" Original £3500
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: DAVE THE CHIMP "Marty Mcloud - Frontside boardslide" sculpture_£750
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: Zeus_G-man_Acrylic on Canvas_£1500
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: ZEUS_extruded_Grafitti landscape_SOLD
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: ZEUS "Run Sketch" Work in Progress Original £2000
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: ZEUS_Graffiti Toy kit_£200
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: ZEUS_Can Explosion Canvas's "Untitled" £ 400 each
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: Zeus_Chaos_Sculpture
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: dave the chimp and the london police
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: phlash_lightboxes in the dark
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: armsrock, dave the chimp and zeus
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: "Looking at terror" by Solo One_Original £ 350
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: Solo_One_The Future is bright_Original_£1000
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: Solo_One_Hard Time for Heros
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: "Be Dynamic.." by Solo One_Hand Painted Sign_£250
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: "Mail this.." by Solo One_ Hand Painted Sign £250
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: SoloOne "Be Great.." Hand Painted Sign_£250
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: "I want ya'll" by Solo One_Original £300
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: solo one_partial wall
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: "The American Way" by Solo One £ 550
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: "Pink Superman" by Solo One £ 450
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: Toaster Canvas_in 24 different Colour combinations_1 x Canvas £250 or 24 x Canvas £4000
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: TOASTERS on top: "Untitled" £300 middle: "Posting box (small) £300 bottom: "Untitled" £ 300
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: TOASTERS "Royal Mail Sacks" £300 each
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: PHLASH on top: "Buncefield IV" £ 2.500 below: "Buncefield V" £ 2.500 Edition of 3
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: PHLASH "Sunset Yeti I" and "Sunset Yeti II" £ 3.000 each
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: PHLASH_Canvas_Landscape_Original £ 6.000
OPENSTUDIOSPACE: PHLASH "Acid Yeti series" series of one off hand pulled prints_£300 each Edition of 35