openspacer: View of smoky Owens Valley from road to Cottonwood Lakes
openspacer: Hailstorm at Cottonwood Lakes walk-in campground
openspacer: Our campsite at Cottonwood Lakes walk-in campground
openspacer: Annette cooked us a tasty dinner
openspacer: Annette and Ron at our Cottonwood Lakes walk-in campground.
openspacer: My tent in the Cottonwood Cottonwood Lakes walk-in campground
openspacer: My tent in the Cottonwood Lakes walk-in campground
openspacer: Our group at the Cottonwood Lakes trailhead
openspacer: The first part of the trail to Cottonwood Lakes is quite gentle and sandy
openspacer: The trail to Cottonwood Lakes passes many giant foxtail pines
openspacer: The first of the Cottonwood Lakes
openspacer: The second Cottonwood Lake
openspacer: Connection between Cottonwood Lakes 1 and 2
openspacer: Dennis crossing stream between Cottonwood Lakes 1 and 2
openspacer: Pinus balfouriana, FOXTAIL PINE
openspacer: Our camp atop the ridge
openspacer: Dennis and Ron talking after breakfast
openspacer: Morning light on the unnamed lake below our camp
openspacer: Unidentified duck
openspacer: Female MALLARD, Anas platyrhynchos
openspacer: Sunset light on the foxtail pines
openspacer: Sunset light on the foxtail pines
openspacer: Cabin at the southeast end of the unnamed lake
openspacer: Lepus americanus, SNOWSHOE HARE. Or possibly Lepus townsendii, WHITE-TAILED JACKRABBIT?
openspacer: Pinus balfouriana, FOXTAIL PINE.
openspacer: Ron in front of foxtail pine at Muir Lake
openspacer: Ron and Annette in front of foxtail pine at Muir Lake
openspacer: Pinus balfouriana, FOXTAIL PINE
openspacer: Pinus balfouriana, FOXTAIL PINE
openspacer: Granite cliff with many horizontal cracks