opensourceway: Rise of the fashion trolls
opensourceway: Nollywood and the copyright conundrum
opensourceway: A hazy shade of value: Software patents just took a hit
opensourceway: Copyrights vs. human rights
opensourceway: Open standards and the royalty problem
opensourceway: OSI And FSF in unprecedented collaboration to protect software freedom
opensourceway: A possible game changer for invalidating bad software patents
opensourceway: Jim Whitehurst: Don’t build a better mousetrap. Change the business model.
opensourceway: Promoting free software license understanding and compliance: the International FOSS Law Review
opensourceway: Emergency ignored: Current status of the Patent Reform Act
opensourceway: Larry Lessig takes on Washington
opensourceway: The threat of parallel filing
opensourceway: Patent reform bills with little reform
opensourceway: The FTC weighs in on patent reform
opensourceway: Build an authentic, valuable online community
opensourceway: Maslow's hierarchy of (community) needs
opensourceway: Building an open source business
opensourceway: Some thoughts on software patents and the Supreme Court
opensourceway: Prolegomena to an evidence-based policy for software patents
opensourceway: Going after a troll for barratry
opensourceway: Bilski's growing up, and smacking down some bad software patents
opensourceway: Why we need an open wireless movement
opensourceway: Speaking of software patents
opensourceway: Platform wars: software patents in a new light
opensourceway: Indonesia: the IIPA is "Watching" you.
opensourceway: Charity in the modern age: How do I give without getting got?
opensourceway: What's on the blacklist? Three sites that SOPA could put at risk
opensourceway: If we're going to have software patents, let's at least have a level playing field
opensourceway: The huge societal costs of NPE software patent lawsuits
opensourceway: Why make a new open source software license? MPL 2.0 (part 3)