opensourceway: Welcome to the government channel
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opensourceway: Indonesia: the IIPA is "Watching" you.
opensourceway: Developers for glory: the Apps for Army competition
opensourceway: Open source matters to open government. Really.
opensourceway: Liberate your documents.
opensourceway: Making Public Records Public: Why open formats are essential for sharing and preserving government data
opensourceway: Law.Gov -- opening up primary legal materials
opensourceway: Video: Proprietary data is digital waste: a perspective on Green IT
opensourceway: Open Source: Modernizing India's education system
opensourceway: Video: The DoD makes it official: open source IS commercial software.
opensourceway: Video: Innovation, collaboration, and government mandates
opensourceway: How transparent is the White House?
opensourceway: Where's my bus? Open data enables real-time route info for Boston riders
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opensourceway: Open Economics: Inspiring confidence through transparency
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opensourceway: Lawrence Lessig’s new journey
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opensourceway: My introduction to open source
opensourceway: Taking Collaborative Risk at The State Department
opensourceway: East meets West: the U.S.-India open government dialogue