opaxir: Archaeological excavations at Vignale IV - R11647
opaxir: Archaeological excavations at Vignale III - R11522
opaxir: Archaeological excavations at Vignale II - R11108
opaxir: Archaeologists at Vignale - R11051
opaxir: Archaeological excavations at Vignale I - R10941
opaxir: Vignale Roman Kiln - R00708
opaxir: Vignale Roman Kiln detail - R00564
opaxir: Vignale Archaeological Excavations - R4306
opaxir: Vignale Archaeological Excavations detail - R4121
opaxir: Vignale Main Area of Archaeological Excavation - R4141
opaxir: Vignale Roman Mansio via Aurelia and Kiln - R4147
opaxir: Vignale Archaeologists - R4509
opaxir: Vignale Archaeological Excavation in a Beautiful Light - R4477