OpalMirror: Bitterbrush
OpalMirror: Arrowleaf Balsamroot
OpalMirror: Arrowleaf Balsamroot
OpalMirror: Crimson Columbine
OpalMirror: Unknown Flower
OpalMirror: Not sure?
OpalMirror: Star-flowered False Solomon's Seal
OpalMirror: Mahonia - Katrina - Trail
OpalMirror: Big-Leaf Sandwort
OpalMirror: Greenleaf Strawberry
OpalMirror: Menzies' Larkspur
OpalMirror: Purple Peavine
OpalMirror: Ballhead Waterleaf
OpalMirror: Bastard Toadflax
OpalMirror: Lemonweed
OpalMirror: Tall Oregon Grape
OpalMirror: Redstem Springbeauty - Red Miner's Lettuce
OpalMirror: Ballhead Waterleaf
OpalMirror: Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary
OpalMirror: Small-flowered Woodland Star
OpalMirror: Ballhead Waterleaf
OpalMirror: Siberian Miner's Lettuce
OpalMirror: Blue Forget-me-not
OpalMirror: Toughleaf Iris, Oregon Iris, Iris tenax
OpalMirror: Trailside Oregon Grape
OpalMirror: Trailside Trillium
OpalMirror: Trillium
OpalMirror: Closeup of Interburn Meadow flowers
OpalMirror: Mariposa Lily and Bee
OpalMirror: Canyonside Oregon Route 66