OpalMirror: Blue Forget-me-not
OpalMirror: Pink Rhodie
OpalMirror: Bleeding Heart
OpalMirror: White Dogwood
OpalMirror: Dogwood and Rhodie Framing
OpalMirror: Oxalis oregana Flower
OpalMirror: Ground Iris
OpalMirror: Flowers
OpalMirror: Pink Dogwood
OpalMirror: Toughleaf Iris, Oregon Iris, Iris tenax
OpalMirror: Bike and Flowers
OpalMirror: Bikes and Flowers
OpalMirror: Trailside Oregon Grape
OpalMirror: Trailside Trillium
OpalMirror: Westbrook Paths
OpalMirror: Rebekah
OpalMirror: James Park Ave Portland
OpalMirror: Party Flowers
OpalMirror: Thirteen Fold Symmetry
OpalMirror: Trillium
OpalMirror: Closeup of Interburn Meadow flowers
OpalMirror: Mariposa Lily and Bee
OpalMirror: Canyonside Oregon Route 66
OpalMirror: Bee on Paintbrush, Lower Canyon Creek Meadow
OpalMirror: Manzanita Flowers
OpalMirror: Blooming Oxalis
OpalMirror: Orchids and Pendant
OpalMirror: Flowers from K
OpalMirror: Mom's Flower Basket
OpalMirror: Hee Haugh