Opal in the rough: Margot and I are happy it is warmer and sunny
Opal in the rough: circle of friends
Opal in the rough: cold morning
Opal in the rough: pumping the cannon
Opal in the rough: Around the campfire
Opal in the rough: SummerZephyr & Rainbird
Opal in the rough: Brian shows me the money
Opal in the rough: Margot with cleansing sage
Opal in the rough: burning the sage
Opal in the rough: warm drinks
Opal in the rough: Andrew climbing a tree
Opal in the rough: Watching the climb
Opal in the rough: Peanut and her cucumber
Opal in the rough: trying out Chris' "pupa" hammock
Opal in the rough: Lumberjack Chris
Opal in the rough: Brian with a blade
Opal in the rough: margot and the painted turtles
Opal in the rough: the wolf was wearing painted overalls
Opal in the rough: looking inside the fallen log
Opal in the rough: mating bugs
Opal in the rough: wild flowers
Opal in the rough: Tina Andy and Margot walking the paths
Opal in the rough: down in the canyon
Opal in the rough: Andy in the cave
Opal in the rough: crouching in the cave
Opal in the rough: burning paper plates