Opal in the rough: after the snow melts
Opal in the rough: goddess of the flames
Opal in the rough: day193 Flail
Opal in the rough: purple blooms
Opal in the rough: huge ass bee
Opal in the rough: on the bridge with hair in our eyes
Opal in the rough: Ben and Tara taking a rest on the top of a hill
Opal in the rough: Chris and Ben
Opal in the rough: we call it a "crick"
Opal in the rough: Snapping Turtle-homeward bound
Opal in the rough: Caution: Snapper in the street!
Opal in the rough: spidernest
Opal in the rough: lil bug dude
Opal in the rough: sweet petite
Opal in the rough: subtle petal texture
Opal in the rough: turn that frown upside down
Opal in the rough: July in Raymond