opacity: storage, gate down
opacity: meeting room at Open Space Århus
opacity: lockers at Open Space Århus
opacity: more workspace
opacity: lounge area
opacity: computer repair area
opacity: more computer repair
opacity: active projects and organization
opacity: old projects
opacity: old school kitchen
opacity: more kitchen
opacity: bins and a back room
opacity: beer tap, coffee in the kitchen
opacity: cable storage, extra fridge
opacity: 3D photography for modelling
opacity: drywall hackery at Open Space Århus
opacity: whiteboard at Open Space Århus
opacity: Open Space Århus, before moving in
opacity: hall to the back
opacity: open workspace
opacity: Open Space Århus' MakerBot
opacity: back storage
opacity: table saw, arduino storage
opacity: CNC, saw, 3D photography
opacity: CNC
opacity: label your mug
opacity: arduino-run entry
opacity: tech wall art
opacity: arduino that runs the entry system