opacity: Atop the pile of tires
opacity: signing and stickering the car
opacity: up high
opacity: with trophies 1
opacity: top placers
opacity: big wheels 2
opacity: big wheels 1
opacity: disassembled Fail Whale
opacity: scoring time
opacity: yes - scoring
opacity: no
opacity: spray time
opacity: bottle sprayer
opacity: post-dousing
opacity: doused behind the whiteboard
opacity: clouds and a caution lap
opacity: neck and neck
opacity: passing candy
opacity: sumo with silly string
opacity: more sword battling
opacity: sword battle 2
opacity: rounding the curve
opacity: realizing something is wrong
opacity: Paper Street Motors just in for fun
opacity: i3, Baby Burrito, Omnicorps, Grave Digger
opacity: i3 in the lead
opacity: line of PPPRS
opacity: even more taking the turn
opacity: taking the turn
opacity: claps for the pace car