opacity: Omnicorps qualifying
opacity: lofted
opacity: running away
opacity: Chief Track Marshal
opacity: Paper Street Motors wheeling in
opacity: Grave Digger pulling in
opacity: cleaning its forebits
opacity: i3 in the lead
opacity: top placers
opacity: passing candy
opacity: more sword battling
opacity: even more taking the turn
opacity: claps for the pace car
opacity: foam sword
opacity: interviewing in Electric Ave 2
opacity: Americar, crushed
opacity: starting the machine
opacity: explanations of the Rube Goldberg wind-up
opacity: i3 qualifies
opacity: running past the finish line
opacity: winding into the corner
opacity: trying to qualify the Fail Whale
opacity: running the Little Pink Trike through paces
opacity: i3 in the turn
opacity: duct tape fixes everything
opacity: with flag
opacity: hugs with equipment
opacity: Grave Digger up
opacity: i3 repairs 2
opacity: excited kid 1