opacity: it's the community
opacity: Nikon v Canon
opacity: campus representation
opacity: three-quarters of students want us to use social media in classes
opacity: badges? we don't need no (wait, yes we do)
opacity: ze photo ninja
opacity: iAudrey processing photos
opacity: pointy heels
opacity: aaand out comes the tongue
opacity: writeboard
opacity: grin
opacity: writeboard lessons
opacity: President Spanier introduces
opacity: at the piano
opacity: Status Symbols
opacity: with headphones
opacity: @micala thinking
opacity: answering questions afterwards
opacity: tweeting
opacity: watching Wesch's videos
opacity: @stevier pointing misfire
opacity: conversations at break
opacity: too much fun
opacity: recursive cameras are recursive
opacity: educational gaming
opacity: defeating the SLR
opacity: @NikkiMK going through Symposium stickers
opacity: answering at the panel
opacity: angled panel
opacity: lunch panel