opacity: posing in front of the TARDIS 1
opacity: headcrab embroidery progress
opacity: meta tardis photobooth #psone #flrsh10
opacity: chatting in front of the TARDIS 2
opacity: posing in front of the TARDIS 2
opacity: meta- photo of photo-taking
opacity: more TARDIS photos
opacity: phone shots of the TARDIS
opacity: big smile in the TARDIS
opacity: chatting in front of the TARDIS
opacity: cam showing him heading out of the booth
opacity: LUG booth.jpg
opacity: PS-One booth crowd.jpg
opacity: sammich time at #flrsh10
opacity: folks at the #psone booth
opacity: tweeting the conference
opacity: discussion at the LUG booth
opacity: video of the fabric light bright
opacity: laughing at the LUG booth folks
opacity: Saturday's PS:One booth
opacity: more conversation
opacity: audience
opacity: meta Carl Karsten
opacity: discussing LISP
opacity: chatting in the mini-expo room
opacity: Orbitz booth beneath the twitterfall
opacity: meta video workshop
opacity: audience in the video workshop
opacity: spotted
opacity: hanging in the mini-expo