opacity: from loft perch 2
opacity: listening
opacity: from behind the tardis
opacity: fuzzy perched folks
opacity: in chatty groups
opacity: explaining
opacity: couch folks
opacity: will hit you loungespace
opacity: from loft perch 1
opacity: will hit you with screen and guitar
opacity: testing proximity LEDs
opacity: calling out to collect ballots
opacity: top-of-stairs trio
opacity: in profile
opacity: the glassy-eyed Vanna pose
opacity: loft guitar-playing
opacity: smiley
opacity: ping pong catch
opacity: treasurer laughter
opacity: making a point
opacity: intense
opacity: celebrating
opacity: frowny nicegress
opacity: with hackintosh
opacity: new secretary taking old-school notes
opacity: the old regime hovers
opacity: infectious laughter
opacity: profile, depth of field
opacity: laughing post-election
opacity: laughter