opacity: art deco flower corners
opacity: art deco flower detail
opacity: big smile
opacity: waiting at the Sears Tower post office, with cast
opacity: Adler overhead
opacity: art deco metal detailing
opacity: industrial art
opacity: bathroom wall-print with towel dispenser
opacity: Duck Hunt art
opacity: under the red lights
opacity: Ceres cafe
opacity: perhaps the best orange chicken in town
opacity: with non-piratey hat
opacity: down the bar
opacity: Cultural Center 3.jpg
opacity: grocery store shrine
opacity: old Marshall Field's water fountain
opacity: Manny's Deli counter
opacity: big cat in a box
opacity: roof-sitting
opacity: 2nd floor sign
opacity: bartender v texting patron
opacity: DJ and early dance crowd
opacity: Refreshing my color palette
opacity: pile o'cash
opacity: more orange chicken
opacity: "Poke Me" plug art.jpg
opacity: answering a question
opacity: under the pinball fronts
opacity: Threadless shirt racks.jpg