opacity: just trust me on this one.
opacity: engrossed
opacity: sidling out of the frame
opacity: roof-sitting
opacity: abstract "Cumulus"
opacity: dreamy, fish-eyed psone
opacity: flowers misfire
opacity: watching the tattoo work
opacity: misfire (tea is v important)
opacity: shaky dusk
opacity: misfire
opacity: out-of-focus frogs
opacity: through blur
opacity: glowmachines
opacity: too-soft (focus)
opacity: total miss
opacity: out-of-focus streaks
opacity: hiding under tables, soft-focus
opacity: totally off-focus Master v Doctor
opacity: muss and fuss, in living color
opacity: your focus is here
opacity: only one thing in focus here
opacity: balanced kitty
opacity: wine sampling
opacity: emphasis on the work 2
opacity: ghostlike behind her arms
opacity: secrets of the bookshelf
opacity: completely lost
opacity: out of focus, backlit
opacity: slightly less abstract "Cumulus"