opacity: large
opacity: fire drill
opacity: icicles off the UIC Medical Center
opacity: well-lit clouds #windowseries #chicago
opacity: late afternoon sun on the Chicago skyline
opacity: .
opacity: that's about right for today.
opacity: OK County
opacity: Fisheye of my usual view
opacity: #windowseries #chicago
opacity: morning window.
opacity: wreathed Sears
opacity: Wicker Park is dog city
opacity: morning fog that just won't quit
opacity: corner of the corner meeting room
opacity: Russian Tea Time
opacity: true blue. my usual view. #nofilter
opacity: hard-edged morning
opacity: #chicago #windowseries
opacity: shadow pointing to Sears
opacity: hyper-morning reality
opacity: morning 2
opacity: break in the snow
opacity: I do not trust this building's water #nofilter
opacity: Reflections of sunset
opacity: out time.
opacity: love this fog.
opacity: two Chicago sunsets
opacity: bright
opacity: sepia-ish #chicago #windowseries