opacity: action at the space
opacity: from loft perch 2
opacity: back corner
opacity: fret project in the workshop
opacity: post-meeting
opacity: workspace and loft
opacity: loft and all
opacity: over the table
opacity: main table and coding lounge tent
opacity: from the table
opacity: from behind the tardis
opacity: PS:One main space 2.jpg
opacity: onlookers
opacity: back workbench
opacity: fuzzy group
opacity: folks deep into laptops
opacity: in chatty groups
opacity: corner equipment
opacity: folks working
opacity: hanging out pre-elections
opacity: spotted
opacity: painting time
opacity: table work
opacity: post-meeting work
opacity: psone embroidery
opacity: workshop 1.jpg
opacity: electronics 8.jpg
opacity: PS:One main space 1.jpg
opacity: will hit you loungespace
opacity: coding lounge tent