opacity: Duck Hunt art
opacity: down the bar
opacity: bartender v texting patron
opacity: under the pinball fronts
opacity: square -erball
opacity: bathroom wall-print with towel dispenser
opacity: wall decor
opacity: tracings
opacity: old lab sets put to good use
opacity: more fixtures
opacity: staff
opacity: Old Styles and PBRs abound
opacity: art and people in their phones
opacity: sampling from the menu
opacity: hot libations
opacity: french toast
opacity: top shelf
opacity: wooden pillar and fabric screens
opacity: Ministry of Sound
opacity: what's on tap
opacity: life in a video game
opacity: retro sf decor
opacity: bathroom wall-print
opacity: The Lab's equipment
opacity: retro-futuristic
opacity: recycled lamps
opacity: close-up on the lighting
opacity: in conversation
opacity: steampunky lamp
opacity: more decor