opacity: about to crack up
opacity: sidling out of the frame
opacity: "I look like a turtle"
opacity: reflective goggles
opacity: under the bright lights
opacity: various projects
opacity: telling stories of their travels
opacity: are you seriously taking a picture?
opacity: both concentrating
opacity: small-group conversations
opacity: with camera
opacity: documentary staff
opacity: down the mini-hallway
opacity: busting up
opacity: dim light on the electrical bench
opacity: sidelong
opacity: explaining from the loft
opacity: all looking elsewhere
opacity: something's funny
opacity: group listening
opacity: signing a release
opacity: conversing near Carrrl
opacity: chatting
opacity: Bilal with headphones
opacity: shooter becomes the shot (blurry)
opacity: modeling for two cameras
opacity: vaguely documenting the documenters
opacity: notes, with goggles
opacity: more taping and laughter
opacity: gorillapod rig