opacity: brilliant crafter's tattoo
opacity: are you naked
opacity: Cleo Dee's Squid Market
opacity: placing dad's heart
opacity: Needle Shop's message
opacity: Ruby Room gem table
opacity: Squeaky Queen (minus an S)
opacity: ham--or Bear, right
opacity: tiny dog 1
opacity: froggie backpack
opacity: tent rows
opacity: the soap round at Rinse
opacity: make believe
opacity: artist at work
opacity: what's up, yo
opacity: with PBRs
opacity: Greyhound Rescue
opacity: the free bike valet station
opacity: considering a cat toy
opacity: building detail on Damen
opacity: hard-edged yet provincial
opacity: Renegade Craft Fair bustle
opacity: passers-by 1
opacity: passers-by 2
opacity: passers-by 3
opacity: sparkleyturtle, spotted
opacity: C, engrossed in button-making
opacity: grin from a passer-by
opacity: with brown-wrapped bottle
opacity: fussy baby