opacity: beard shirts at Artpentry
opacity: Anode arrow
opacity: wall detail at Temple (by Ian Bennett)
opacity: Temple sign
opacity: wine and art on Halsted
opacity: problem list 1
opacity: wishlist 2
opacity: looking through racks at Fat Rabbit
opacity: Fat Rabbit hat rack
opacity: from outside Deliciously Vintage
opacity: doorway of Deliciously Vintage
opacity: Temple nook
opacity: Temple springs and shadows
opacity: greeting newcomers at Temple
opacity: draped figures (Temple)
opacity: kitchen with bells (Temple)
opacity: smiling Nadine (Temple)
opacity: with mohawked lion kitty (Temple)
opacity: immersed
opacity: friendly fenced kitty
opacity: balanced kitty
opacity: people with plates at anode
opacity: all sorts of food out at anode
opacity: chatting at anode
opacity: Ian taking pictures at anode
opacity: conversation (anode)
opacity: sofa laughter (anode)
opacity: wrinkly kitty (anode)
opacity: crowded house at Artpentry
opacity: sculpture base (at Margin)