opacity: cutest Supergirl
opacity: Sandman folks, Jill Thompson, and a free retro Batman
opacity: indifferent, caught unaware
opacity: bold
opacity: costumed browsers in the dealer's room
opacity: quick-pose
opacity: free art cookies
opacity: missmonster
opacity: large-format artist
opacity: you shall not pass, or something
opacity: gross overuse of quotes
opacity: George Perez hug
opacity: Sandman folks
opacity: wandering Silk
opacity: Batman villains
opacity: Supergirl, meet Dr. Horrible
opacity: Katie Cook
opacity: The Devil's Panties, longshot
opacity: free high fives and hugs
opacity: overwrought
opacity: posed group, sidelong
opacity: staff pictures of The Joker
opacity: George Perez
opacity: for promotional purposes
opacity: very serious
opacity: stern
opacity: the aforementioned hugs
opacity: complete with leash
opacity: banana eating a sammich
opacity: Christopher Shy wresting Ascent from its box