opacity: light stream
opacity: lights on, with smile
opacity: what's in the glowing bucket
opacity: adjustments
opacity: showing partially-finished interior
opacity: people sleeping on the couch are fair game
opacity: TARDIS. Just Fucking DO IT.
opacity: laptop lighting
opacity: one-arm up lights
opacity: apropos coverage
opacity: sly
opacity: digital readout
opacity: sparks 1
opacity: solder trails
opacity: goggles
opacity: with (reflective) touchscreen
opacity: cracked
opacity: need 401 bunnies
opacity: propped
opacity: measuring
opacity: foot protection
opacity: dust flying
opacity: IMG_1370.jpg
opacity: for ease of transporting the base
opacity: pour two
opacity: speedline
opacity: sheet
opacity: get over it
opacity: wiring
opacity: furrraday cage