opacity: yes, I'm on a Mac. forgot they had Photo Booth until now.
opacity: center of the world
opacity: patriotic porch
opacity: #eduweb after-hours fun: @NikkiMK's @bluefuego flag
opacity: posing, with flag
opacity: red stapler, Danish flag, uwebd mug (Holga double exposure)
opacity: Aspen Ln & Cedar Pt, , WI , United States
opacity: Rochester skyline
opacity: pride flags
opacity: Yes, I have started using Photo Booth as a mirror, thanks for asking.
opacity: World's Fair weather bureau wind signals
opacity: real pirates flags
opacity: flowering tree and Swiss flag.jpg
opacity: tower flags
opacity: landscaped street
opacity: flags in the Copenhagen train station
opacity: THE
opacity: Grand Belle
opacity: casting off
opacity: today's Lady of the Lake captain
opacity: up to the Duchess
opacity: Gage flag over the Riviera
opacity: don't give up the ship
opacity: flag over the Riviera
opacity: Belle and retreating Lady
opacity: Grand Belle and Lady
opacity: Geneva leaving
opacity: last announcement
opacity: dock sighted
opacity: Gage flag and sky