opacity: distractions in line for the Shedd
opacity: hiding fish
opacity: beluga retreating
opacity: penguin kids
opacity: swim-by
opacity: swim-by 2
opacity: submerging
opacity: whaddya want
opacity: fake barnacles for kids
opacity: new tidepools
opacity: guided
opacity: starfish for touching
opacity: reflection through water
opacity: whiskers
opacity: otter eating
opacity: you people are too loud
opacity: industrial light
opacity: all made of stars
opacity: inner folds and skirts
opacity: flying saucer shapes
opacity: flattened
opacity: ambition
opacity: transparency
opacity: pink-yellow
opacity: green-tailed
opacity: yellow streaks
opacity: sneaky pufferfish
opacity: gap-mouthed
opacity: he's laughing at you, you know
opacity: toothy