opacity: show opener
opacity: veil and eyes
opacity: light blue wings
opacity: smile and swirl
opacity: smiling pause
opacity: shimmy, arms out
opacity: final pose
opacity: candle-balancing
opacity: purple swirl
opacity: sword balancing, hips swinging
opacity: smile and balance
opacity: arms wide
opacity: twist and veil movement
opacity: gentle pause
opacity: concluding pose
opacity: Desert Rose flare
opacity: imperious
opacity: graceful veil silhouette
opacity: entirely in motion
opacity: complete swirl of color
opacity: veils and mist
opacity: framed
opacity: pink haze
opacity: scarf-like flare
opacity: the sultry look
opacity: blur-turn
opacity: dramatic, double-exposured
opacity: final pose in Desert Rose
opacity: in orange
opacity: orange motion