opacity: view from my room
opacity: Ken and Stevie
opacity: reginaldgolding and micala
opacity: micala listening
opacity: focus on stevier
opacity: smile-laugh
opacity: the reserved table
opacity: quick handshake
opacity: eloquent introduction
opacity: David Wiley (@opencontent) gesturing
opacity: course as RPG original character classes
opacity: course as RPG student-added character class
opacity: fielding questions
opacity: nursing session
opacity: gestured toward
opacity: explaining in the nursing panel
opacity: pre-textbook panel
opacity: John Harwood
opacity: Ed Standford of McGraw-Hill
opacity: Ed Moura of Cengage Learning
opacity: David Wiley of Brigham Young University (opencontent)
opacity: sidelong on the publisher's round table
opacity: post-round table, in motion
opacity: danah boyd (@zephoria) presents
opacity: MySpace example
opacity: social maneuvering in MySpace (danah boyd)
opacity: shadow as danah boyd explains
opacity: searchability in danah boyd talk (flickr credit in corner of slide)
opacity: online journals as privacy in danah boyd's talk (flickr credit in corner of slide)
opacity: emphasis by danah boyd