opacity: CDMUG
opacity: Erlang workshop
opacity: focused room
opacity: considering
opacity: IP conflicts
opacity: fixing the IP issue
opacity: listening
opacity: reading
opacity: silhouettes
opacity: smiles
opacity: twitterfeed
opacity: clumping
opacity: the map guy
opacity: smiley
opacity: laughing
opacity: view from back here
opacity: craning to hear the Drupal presenter
opacity: grouping by experience level
opacity: live troubleshooting
opacity: group work
opacity: @stevekrzysiak
opacity: session winding down
opacity: Christopher Lameter on the benefits of open source
opacity: leaving after posing
opacity: dancing lines with Processing
opacity: spinning the 3D landscape
opacity: Manifest - lines become prehistoric 1
opacity: Manifest - lines become prehistoric 2
opacity: balance
opacity: animating flight patterns