opacity: Redag through the crowd
opacity: our organizer (on right)
opacity: new blue tag
opacity: pink-hatted
opacity: pink-hatted original
opacity: revelers
opacity: eating in SIN
opacity: the menu shot
opacity: smileyface
opacity: distant look
opacity: mid-sentence
opacity: laughing
opacity: dim, with tattoo
opacity: silly walks
opacity: what is she doing?
opacity: flashed out
opacity: not as flashed out
opacity: flashy golden boy
opacity: uh-huh
opacity: posing with the golden boy
opacity: chained together
opacity: passing around the chain
opacity: more chaining
opacity: now that's an expression
opacity: new hat
opacity: all smile
opacity: disdainful, with pink hat
opacity: more pink-hattedness
opacity: smileyfaced with glasses
opacity: camera contest