opacity: pre-historic Egyptian burial
opacity: detail from Unis-ankh's tomb 1
opacity: detail from Unis-ankh's tomb 2
opacity: cartouche from Unis-ankh's tomb 1
opacity: peeking above the edge of the tomb
opacity: Field Museum pillar
opacity: 40-minute lines
opacity: scarab
opacity: more scarab bits
opacity: tomb eye inlays
opacity: statue eye inlay
opacity: distort
opacity: black substance on mummy
opacity: fake tomb bits
opacity: granular
opacity: wedjat eyes on coffin
opacity: suggested light reading from The Book of the Dead
opacity: they shoot lightning bolts out of their pots?
opacity: miniature scene
opacity: making bandages
opacity: salting the body
opacity: mummy x-ray
opacity: if the heart doesn't balance, Ammit must eat it
opacity: ancient Egypt action figures
opacity: Barbie Isty in capoiera stance
opacity: some of the 42 gods and goddess who judge the dead
opacity: Isty starts journey to underworld
opacity: body preparation
opacity: today, on Mummys Unwrapped
opacity: burial items