opacity: from the Sears Tower 1
opacity: Sears Tower reflections
opacity: aquarium and planetarium
opacity: harbor
opacity: station, bird's eye
opacity: Museum Campus
opacity: another photographer
opacity: one red skyscraper
opacity: Ceres overlooking the city at the CBOT
opacity: green roof
opacity: shorebreak
opacity: new skyscraper
opacity: fancy roof
opacity: skyscraper field
opacity: ship in ice
opacity: slanty Chase building
opacity: shadowed sculpture
opacity: Soldier Field, etc
opacity: way to the horizon
opacity: tall bits
opacity: park
opacity: slight horizon curve
opacity: into the city
opacity: peaks and valleys
opacity: digital framing
opacity: photographer and subject
opacity: photographer and subject silhouettes
opacity: Sun-Times building
opacity: grand view
opacity: spot the building ads