opacity: What do I do with all these cookies?
opacity: Skilled cookie flipping
opacity: Cookie dropping
opacity: Baking cookies
opacity: a rainy Saturday brunch
opacity: Last breakfast in PA
opacity: Ais Kacang (peanut ice) - with no peanuts
opacity: Desk we both drooled over at Ikea
opacity: Eating crabs at market
opacity: Lao Sze Chuan in Chinatown
opacity: Sea cucumber with special chili sauce
opacity: turtle-head
opacity: turtle attack
opacity: very serious frog-pose
opacity: this fish is for eating
opacity: spy shy monkeys
opacity: schooling
opacity: life is so hard
opacity: ow, my head
opacity: peering at the leafy seadragon
opacity: give me four
opacity: hand, starfish
opacity: tempting the teeth
opacity: shark leaving
opacity: scaring the shark away
opacity: look, a fish
opacity: starfish hug
opacity: tickle the shrimp
opacity: bar at Trattoria No 10
opacity: wine at Trattoria No 10