opacity: Josie and Betty
opacity: lazy Josie
opacity: Josie close
opacity: horny devil
opacity: smile from CoopieCat
opacity: caped costume
opacity: touch of drag
opacity: new tie
opacity: hazardous waste ringer in action
opacity: Eve in a tie
opacity: try this
opacity: pink
opacity: also shooting
opacity: kitty friend
opacity: smile
opacity: flower barrette
opacity: prototype table
opacity: rush near the CD rack
opacity: in thought
opacity: kneeling near CD rack
opacity: hearing the camera click
opacity: testing
opacity: Lexis
opacity: Eve concentrates
opacity: audio comedy
opacity: more sniffing at the CD table
opacity: sniffing a tester
opacity: recapping
opacity: traumatized Lexis
opacity: smiles at the counter