opacity: collapsing
opacity: these are my shapes
opacity: substance of things
opacity: sometimes you need the long view
opacity: what's behind me?
opacity: taking a dim view
opacity: oval alarm
opacity: twist of fate
opacity: what's taken
opacity: right out of me
opacity: softer than I seem
opacity: storm brewing in my eye
opacity: curl and twist
opacity: bale
opacity: black hole
opacity: alarmed, soft
opacity: one dark eye
opacity: bloodshot and rained on
opacity: thrown
opacity: post-rain
opacity: not filigree
opacity: one total miss (hole in my head)
opacity: things you get it in your head to do while building bookcases
opacity: into the light
opacity: every day is Halloween
opacity: stark
opacity: in lines
opacity: glitter
opacity: mussed
opacity: contact lens numbers