opacity: cruising
opacity: speedracer
opacity: brushstrokes
opacity: vague blue wings
opacity: faces in blue flame
opacity: within the cloud
opacity: out-of-focus streaks
opacity: henna star
opacity: fish ripples texture
opacity: water churn texture
opacity: dusting of color feather texture
opacity: gentle feather texture
opacity: termite tree texture
opacity: duality feather texture
opacity: spider in dead tree texture
opacity: faded feather texture
opacity: bright feather texture
opacity: feather color texture
opacity: feather bw texture
opacity: purple-blue feather texture
opacity: grass feather texture
opacity: ripples and water plant texture
opacity: dappled
opacity: ripples and fish texture
opacity: text paint texture
opacity: crumble and shadow
opacity: new brick
opacity: rust texture
opacity: rust belt
opacity: old wood texture