Michael Olea: Inside a Khajuraho temple
Michael Olea: Vishnu temple
Michael Olea: Holy cows
Michael Olea: Grazing time
Michael Olea: Stone carvings
Michael Olea: Erotic sculptures
Michael Olea: Inside a temple
Michael Olea: Khajuraho still has living quarters for members of different castes
Michael Olea: Village kids
Michael Olea: Tourists
Michael Olea: Outer wall of a temple
Michael Olea: Khajuraho sculptures
Michael Olea: Group of young students
Michael Olea: Western group of monuments
Michael Olea: Temple from outside
Michael Olea: Khajuraho temple motives
Michael Olea: One of the Western monuments
Michael Olea: Western group of monuments park
Michael Olea: Elephant statue
Michael Olea: Scaffolding
Michael Olea: Bus stop Khajuraho
Michael Olea: Khajuraho - Varanasi
Michael Olea: At the train station
Michael Olea: Looking for the guesthouse
Michael Olea: A young one
Michael Olea: Nightly stalker
Michael Olea: From the roof top
Michael Olea: Scooters and cows
Michael Olea: Getting the proper hair style
Michael Olea: Steps leading down